Justin Waxman
Biomechanics Consultant
Dr. Waxman works as a Biomechanics Consultant with an emphasis on biomechanical investigations and analyses.  Capitalizing on his biomechanics research, testing, and teaching background, Dr. Waxman’s focus is on human movement, injury mechanisms, and injury causation in a variety of areas, including transportation accidents/incidents, workplace incidents, and premises incidents, among others.
After receiving his Bachelor of Science degree in Sport Sciences from Ohio University, Dr. Waxman worked as a Research Associate at the Cincinnati Sports Medicine Research & Education Foundation before going on to earn a Master of Science degree in Exercise & Health Studies (Biomechanics Concentration) from Miami University, and a Ph.D. in Applied Neuromechanics (Biomechanics) from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Dr. Waxman also completed a post-doctoral research fellowship within the Department of Physical Therapy at High Point University prior to becoming an Assistant Professor in the Department of Exercise Science, where he taught undergraduate courses in Biomechanics, Statistics, and Motor Control & Learning; directed a faculty-led study abroad trip to Nepal; and conducted research in the Human Biomechanics and Applied Physiology Laboratory.
While in academia, Dr. Waxman’s research focus was primarily in the area of sport-injury biomechanics, including identifying factors associated with athletic performance and injury risk. Collectively, his research has resulted in more than eight peer-reviewed publications and 34 scientific conference presentations.
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