Vehicle Dynamics
Vehicle Dynamics Testing
S-E-A associates have the tools and expertise necessary to develop custom solutions that can give their clients the data they need to validate, improve performance, or benchmark their products. S-E-A not only has the tools and expertise, but also has test surfaces which allow for on-site testing of most systems.
Types of Custom TestingÂ
Our team has experience in all types of analysis and evaluation, and this allows them to create new combinations of tests just for one particular scenario, or many.
A cross-functional team can design and build a testing solution from scratch. Our associates work closely with clients to come up with testing plans that can collect the data most useful to them. We use a combination of different testing methods to conduct analysis others never dreamed possible:
- Autonomous Emergency Brake (AEB) Testing
Pedestrian and Bicyclist Scenarios - Dynamic TestingÂ
- Center of Gravity Measurements
- Moment of Inertia and Product of Inertia Measurements
- Unmanned Driving Scenarios and Driving Robots
Vehicle-to-Vehicle Crashes
Our expertise in testing complete systems, as well as individual components, gives us the capability to create customized tests that fit a specific scenario. S-E-A is qualified to provide industry-leading research, testing, and evaluation of almost any situation involving vehicles.
We can handle all sizes and classes of vehicles from recreational power sports, motorcycles, passenger vehicles, trucking, and up to large military vehicles. Our professionals follow the industry closely to stay on the cutting edge and offer state of the art solutions.
Testing Surfaces
How can we help?
S-E-A brings experience and expertise, coupled with the latest technology to our clients – contact us to find the right professionals and solutions for you.