Grace Oswald
Biomechanics Consultant
Ms. Oswald joined SEA, Ltd. (S-E-A) after she received both her Master of Science degree in Biomedical Engineering and her Bachelor of Science degree in Biomedical Engineering from The Ohio State University.
Over the course of her graduate degree, Ms. Oswald worked with WillowWood Global to develop a finite element model that would allow for analysis of prosthetic socket designs using conditions extrapolated from ISO 10328: Structural testing of lower-limb prostheses. This was done as part of a larger goal of exploring the feasibility of deploying additive manufacturing to create prosthetic sockets on a larger scale.
During her undergraduate tenure, Ms. Oswald obtained a minor in Technical Writing while also conducting undergraduate research with The Department of Bioinformatics focusing on the development of a patient-specific virtual reality pre-surgical planning tool for cochlear implant placement surgery. Ms. Oswald was responsible for segmentation of various CT scans and participated in a reliability study of the novel platform.
Ms. Oswald also has experience with new product introduction manufacturing engineering in the field of surgical robotics, where she worked in conjunction with research and development teams to modify designs for manufacture during initial builds.
At S-E-A, Ms. Oswald applies her engineering education and skills, as well as her anatomical knowledge to aide in the forensic evaluation of a variety of incidents. Ms. Oswald’s practice includes resolving unwitnessed slip/trip and falls and unwitnessed falls from heights; analyzing pedestrians-vehicle accidents, cyclist-vehicle accidents, and minor impact collisions; evaluating various premise liability circumstances; and exploring human-product use/misuse cases.
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