Join us as the Columbus Technical Societies (CTS) presents its February tour and topic, “A Forensic Approach to What Went Wrong”. Hosted at S-E-A’s new corporate headquarters and testing facility, Dr. Greg Chojecki, a Materials Analyst at S-E-A, will be presenting on the use of nondestructive testing methods in material failure analysis. Following will be a tour of the facilities including S-E-A’s vehicle dynamics labs, world-record-holding candle testing center and testing bays.
Learn more about Dr. Greg Chojecki, Ph.D., Materials/Metallurgy Analyst at S-E-A
Thur. February 22, 2018
SEA, Ltd., 7001 Buffalo Pkwy, Columbus, Ohio 43229
Social/Dinner: 5:30-6:00 pm
Presentation: 6:00-6:30 pm
Tour: 6:30-7:30 pm
Members $20, Non-members $30, Students Free
Brian Frye – [email protected]
614-274-6003 ext. 218
Be prepared to make payment by cash or check (made out to ASNT) at the door.
All reservations are final on Friday, Feb. 16